We love going to the beach in the fall! We stayed at the Caribe again and enjoyed perfect weather - it was sunny, and the highs were in the mid-70s. We drove down Friday afternoon after school. We stopped for dinner at the Tin Roof, went straight to the beach to crab, and then settled in for the night.
We have been going to Fueled for Adventure at the Mississippi Children's Museum this month. We have learned how to make lots of yummy, healthy snacks and have really enjoyed eating them. Children who came to every Fueled for Adventure were entered into a drawing for a Nintendo Wii. The drawing was held today, and the winner was . . . Meg Barbour!!! Meg was thrilled. She literally jumped for joy and shouted: "We got a wii now!"
Dr. Brown pulled Jane Gray's baby canine teeth to make room for the adult teeth that are already growing in behind them. Dr. Brown said that Jane Gray was very brave and did so well. She also told us that the Tooth Fairy gives extra money for pulled teeth. We'll see.
Jane Gray's class had a pizza party today. We had so much fun meeting some of Jane Gray's new friends. One of her "old" friends, Avery Thigpen, is in the class, too. After pizza and brownies, the girls talked their fathers into helping them with some puzzles. It was a fun party!
Covenant had its back to school hoedown tonight. After we toured Meg's class, the girls immediately headed to the pony ride. The ponies belonged to Melissa Daniels, one of Stewbaby's horse friends. Daddy and Jane Gray helped with the pony rides, and Meg rode and rode. Charlie, apparently, had fun, too. We caught up with him at the train ride. He and his buddies, Luke Smith and Wynn Crosby, rode in the car in front of us. We had a great time!
Daddy dropped Meg and Mommy off at home after the game and took Jane Gray and Charlie to the Reservoir to see if anyone had caught any alligators. They saw a 12-foot alligator and several smaller ones, too.
The Rebels lost another tough game, but we had a great time in Oxford anyway. Uncle Will went with us to the game, and Sayley sat with us some, too. We also got to see Mommy's cousin, Molly. We hung out with the Adams after the game. We picnicked, played lots of football, and ate lots of food. Charlie even got to meet some football players walking by our picnic area. They gave Charlie a sweatband - he was thrilled! Before we drove home, we stopped by the Grove to see the Crawfords and Browns. It was a fun day!
We met the Weirs, Browns, and Hollowells at the Prep homecoming game tonight. The girls loved the halftime show - the Pacers' performance and the homecoming court. The boys cared only about the football game.
The children were asked to model for a publication for the Community Foundation of Greater Jackson, one of the Mississippi Children's Museum community partners. The photographer was extremely patient.
Alice and Meg are so funny together. Today, Meg had the best time tickling Alice. Alice looks like she enjoyed it, too. She said it reminded her of her Daddy tickling her when she was a little girl.
We had the Hollingsworths, Hewitts, Cocos, and Browns over to watch the Ole Miss game with us. With 15 kids running around the house, Mommy managed to take only two pictures - one of Meg and Anne Melton in their cheerleader uniforms and one of Mr. Jay in his football jersey.
Charlie's teacher sent us this picture of his class after they bobbed for apples. Charlie told Mommy he didn't have an apple because he had already eaten his.
For "A" week, the kindergarten class bobbed for apples and wore their favorite athletic jerseys. Charlie chose one of his Daddy's Ole Miss jerseys. Charlie also decided it would be a good idea to practice bobbing for apples. He was so well-prepared, his teacher asked him to show the class how to do it. Charlie got the apple on the first try and was rewarded with a bag of Skittles.
The "King of the wall," as we affectionately call the biggest green lizard you have ever seen, came into our house this afternoon. After watching him for a while, Charlie helped Mommy scare him out of the house - i.e. Charlie held the front door open while Mommy threw things at the King.
Meg is taking a ballet class with a few of her sweet friends - Laurie, Anne Melton, Anna, and Bea. They are so cute! Today was their first class, and Meg loved it!
Daddy first noticed that Meg was difficult to see in her bed because she was surrounded by her stuffed animals. He asked Mommy to try to find Meg in Where's Waldo? fashion. Can you see her?
Jane Gray and Charlie had their class pictures today. Jane Gray asked Mommy to curl her hair like Nana did for Mommy when she was a little girl. Jane Gray and Charlie looked very beautiful and handsome for their picture.
The whole family went to the Harrises' dove hunt this year. It was Meg's first dove hunt, and she loved it! It didn't hurt that Pop and most of her cousins were there, or that Uncle Paul gave her cookies and Snickers. The hunt in the sunflower field was slow, so Daddy and all of the children went to another field to look for birds. Daddy looked like the Pied Piper with all of those children following him! Daddy's adventure was a success - he got a limit of doves! The children took turns fetching the doves for him. Jane Gray and Meg loved hanging out with the Hurst girls, and Charlie made a new buddy - Pope Mallette. Charlie announced that Pope was his new best friend! After the hunt, we went to the Harrises' house for the post-hunt party. It rained pretty hard after the hunt, so the children were soaked by the time we loaded up to head home. They didn't mind, though. We all had a great time!