Friday, April 24, 2015

Touch a truck field trip

Meg's class went to Touch a truck today and enjoyed learning about all the different types of equipment there.

Sunday, April 19, 2015


This dapper fellow played the violin with his FPDS strings class at this evening's worship service.

Yazoo City Sunday Afternoon

We spent a lazy but beautiful Sunday afternoon in Yazoo City.  The boys did lots of fishing under Lucy's watchful eyes and caught a ton of bass while the girls drove Pop's ranger all over Fairfields. After it got good and hot, we cooled off at the creek and found lots of fun prehistoric treasures.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Charlie's Field Trip

Charlie's class picnic got rained out, so we headed to First Baptist to play in their gym.  The boys had a wild and crazy time!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Watching Big Brother

These two love watching their big brother practice baseball!

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Jane Gray and the Honor Choir

The Honor Choir had their spring performance tonight at FPC.  The girls sang so well!

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Uncle Tom, D2 Soccer and Rook

Uncle Tom was nice enough to make a trip to Jackson to see the kids.  He was treated to a soccer game and late night Rook.  On Sunday afternoon, while Mom and Dad were at a Fifth Circuit reunion, the children worked with Tom and Nana at Hope House.  They found an amazing treasure - a nest full of a robin's eggs.  The day ended with a soccer win for the mighty JFC Celtic.

Jane Gray Youth Group Trip

Jane Gray, Liddy, Sarah, Rebecca, Aubrey Scott, and Elizabeth went on their first youth trip this weekend to the Grove at Red Oak Lake outside of Memphis.  Sweet Mary Love received this picture from Julia Wright, one of the Youth staff, and she sent it to me.

Day School Dash 2015

Meg and Charlie ran in the Day School Dash for the second year, and both won their races.  Charlie was the first student to finish the 5k, and Meg was the first girl to finish the mile fun run. Both had a great time.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Thunder Sign

These boys were THRILLED to see their championship banner tonight!  They touched it and couldn't stop staring at it.  So cute!

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Meg's Softball

Meg is playing big-girl softball this year and is doing really well.  Here is one of her hits - a double, of course.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015


These are some cute random pics of Meg.  In the first picture, she had just gotten home from her church choir performance and went straight to the Trinity Hymnbook to sing some more hymns.  In the second picture, she can't wait to eat some sausage pinwheels.  And in the third, she is trying on Mom's shoes and one of Grandmother Margaret's purses.