Saturday, June 29, 2013

Paul's cabin

Before heading home, we hung out at Paul's cabin, went on a hike, and swam in a nearby river.  It was the perfect ending to a perfect day!

Camp Alpine visit

After dropoff, we and Uncle Paul headed to Alpine for a visit with the O's and our friends dropping off sons there.  Alpine was just as fun, and Charlie wanted to stay!  He loved playing games with Daddy and the other campers.  We also got a quick visit in with cousin Elizabeth.

Camp Desoto dropoff

We headed for Mentone, Alabama, Friday afternoon to drop Jane Gray off at Camp Desoto.  This is her first summer there, and she is so excited!  We met the Hursts and some camp friends at the Wildflower Cafe Friday night and then got settled in to our hotel.  We woke up early the next morning, ate a quick breakfast at the Waffle House, and then headed up the mountain.  We got Jane Gray's cabin assignment and were thrilled to discover her cabinmates Aubrey Taylor and Betsy Lindsey, one of Daddy's Alpine friend's daughters.  We also have connections with Jane Gray's counselors, Caroline Battle and Priestley Worsham (both Ole Miss girls) - Mommy went to Ole Miss with Caroline's sister, Allison, and Priestley is from Corinth and lives next door to Sallie Kate Williams, who was in Mommy's pledge class.  These sweet girls made Mommy feel much better about leaving Jane Gray at camp for 3 1/2 weeks!  Mommy's sorority big sister, Martha, also has a daughter at Desoto who is Jane Gray's age - Gigi Griggs.  We know that Jane Gray is going to have so much fun and make lifelong friends!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Charlie's tennis camp

Charlie went to the Jackson Prep tennis camp this week.  It was for third graders and up, but Charlie did have a few older friends there - Wynn Crosby and Andrew Puckett.  Charlie loved the camp and won the hustle award and several other daily game awards, but his biggest award came today when the camp had its tournament.  Charlie won second place!  He was so funny coming to the car at pickup.  Mommy could tell he had a little spring in his step, and he was hiding something behind his back.  He was so proud to present his brand new trophy!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Mommy's little helper

Meg loves to help Mommy pick fruits and vegetables from our garden!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Birthday dinner at Crazy Ninja

Crazy Ninja is Charlie's favorite restaurant.  After the baseball tournament, we headed there to celebrate his birthday.  The restaurant gave him an ice cream sundae and a birthday dance.  It was so funny!

More baseball pics

We love our Jackson Thunder family!  The boys are so sweet, and the sisters had fun cheering them on.  Jane Gray loved being with Embry Hollowell and Pryor Merhle, and Meg hung out with Reece Russ and Mary Hollis Maddux.

State Championship tournament

The Jackson Thunder came into the tournament as the top team in the state, and after pool play, was the #1 seed.  The boys played so well and made it to the championship game.  They played Forest Hill, whom the boys had beaten before, but Forest Hill had beaten the Thunder in the last tournament, so we knew they were good.  It was a great game!  The lead went back and forth, and the Thunder was down four runs in the bottom of the sixth inning.  Charlie was first up to bat and hit a great hit to start off the inning.  The Thunder scored two runs but came up short, losing to Forest Hill by two runs.  It was a tough loss, but we are so proud of the Thunder and all they have accomplished this summer!

Charlie's 8th birthday party

Charlie and Jake McGehee had their 8th birthday party together at the Mississippi Sports Museum.  The boys played computer-generated games of baseball, football, and dodgeball.  They had so much fun!