Saturday, April 30, 2016

Jane Gray's rec volleyball team

Jane Gray is on a really sweet and talented rec volleyball team.  The girls have only lost one game, and Jane Gray has served to win two different games!  She has had so much fun!

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Oxford baseball tournament

The Thunder played a tournament in Oxford this weekend, which was very convenient for the moms because it was also Double Decker weekend.  The boys played great, but the highlight of the weekend was the tour of the Ole Miss baseball facility.  Charlie even got to see his Daddy's former locker!

Tuesday, April 19, 2016


NJYB is in full swing with the Brewers and Blue Dolphins.  After Meg slugged one off Coach Austin, he has dubbed her Big Papi which she has taken a liking to.


Pop has been a fairly regular fan this year at NJYB.  Barbour/Brewer/Blue Dolphin double-headers have been very regular this year.  Meg was MVP of the big game against the second ranked team.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Thunder pics

Here are a few pictures from our most recent tournament.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016



FPDS is winding down, and class pictures are out.  They also celebrated kids who reached 100 AR points - there are a couple Barbours somewhere in that picture.  And we cannot keep these kids from reading - even on the way to school.