Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Yazoo City Spend the Night

Jane Gray and her buddies wanted to spend the night in Yazoo City, so we did and had a great time. It was freezing, but the girls still enjoyed a dip in the pond and driving Pop's Ranger.  We celebrated New Year's Eve with s'mores and fireworks.  The girls had so much fun!

Monday, December 28, 2015

Charles and Charlie's Hunting Trips

Daddy and Charlie had a stretch of hunting trips together starting with hunting ducks and deer in Louise, then ducks in Arkansas (Charlie couldn't stand the ducks landing in the rice field so he sat on the levee - didn't work out real well), and finally deer in Yazoo City.  There were some firsts (Cbj's first woodduck and gadwall), some hits (ducks in Louise and Arkansas), and near misses (big buck in Yazoo City).

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Cousin slumber party

These three cousins had so much fun spending the night together!

Christmas with Cousins

We had so much fun with the Eisenhauers!  They came to church with us Sunday, and we all ate Sunday lunch at Nana and Grandpa's house.  On Monday, we went out to lunch, then Ya-Ya's for dessert, followed up by Alvin and the Chipmunks at Malco.  On Tuesday, we played at High Heaven.

Friday, December 25, 2015

Daddy's Christmas pyramid

At Daddy's request, we ended Christmas night with his Christmas pyramid.  It was a wonderful Christmas!

Christmas dinner with the Eisenhauers

The Eisenhauers flew into town this afternoon, so we had another present exchange and dinner together.  We ended the night with some fun games.

Christmas lunch in Yazoo City

We went to Yazoo City for Christmas lunch with the Barbours.  Meg announced we were to open our stockings first, and then we opened our presents.  After presents and a yummy lunch, we hung out together on the front porch because it was a balmy 80 degrees!