Thursday, June 30, 2011

Movie night

It's been a long week without our Daddy (he has a trial in Natchez), so we decided to have a movie night tonight. We watched Toy Story 2. The kids invited Mr. Potato Head, Buzz Lightyear, Jessie, and Woody (they are on the coffee table - front row seats). Jane Gray and Charlie even dressed the part.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Princess Meg and her royal subjects

Meg fell asleep in her princess dress surrounded, as usual, by ALL of her stuffed animals.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


The College World Series is exhausting!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Owen's birthday party

Mary Tison sent Mommy these pictures from Owen's birthday party at River Hills - we Barbours clearly love our cake and ice cream.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Jane Gray's strawberries

While Charlie has been tending to his tomatoes, Jane Gray has been taking care of this strawberry plant. When we came home from horse camp today, we discovered several new strawberries we can't wait to eat.

Horse show

Jane Gray's horse camp ended with a horse show this afternoon. The girls paraded their horses around the ring for the parents and then received their awards. Mrs. Susan gave Jane Gray the Happy Horseman Award because Jane Gray was always so happy and enthusiastic - she loves horses! Mrs. Susan even told us that Jane Gray decided not to swim one afternoon because she wanted to talk to Mrs. Susan about horses. After the awards came the games. The first game was an individual one - the egg race. The girls held eggs with spoons; the winner was the last one holding an egg. Jane Gray placed third. The next game was a team effort. The girls rode their horses to one end of the ring, dismounted, and ran back to the starting line with a carrot in their hand. The horses were supposed to follow the carrots back to the starting line. Some did; some didn't. It was hilarious, and Jane Gray had so much fun!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Swirly the turtle

We rescued this cute baby box turtle from our street this afternoon. The kids named him Swirly. We kept Swirly in a box in the garage until Daddy came home and convinced us that it would be best for him to go back to his real home. We released Swirly in our backyard and are hoping to see him again soon.

Showing the Hursts the ropes

Genevieve and Liddy rode with us to pick up Jane Gray from horse camp this afternoon. The Hurst girls are taking lessons at Winterview next week, and Jane Gray was happy to show them around the farm and introduce them to all of the horses.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Camp at Ann Melton's house

Ann Melton had the girls over for a tea party this morning. Sweet Lucy Moore was there to help with the girls - she put makeup on them, dressed them as princesses, and even brought her puppy to play with them.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Charlie's birthday

Charlie turned six years old today. Mommy took him to the doctor for his annual checkup, and he is a healthy 75% percentile in height and 50% percentile in weight - we are so blessed! Charlie opened his presents this morning - some books, a Spiderman watch, baseball gloves, a baseball Santa handed down from Daddy, and a computer he and Jane Gray will share. The highlight of the day, though, was a trip to Chuck E. Cheese's, Charlie's favorite. We ate pizza and played lots of games. We won a family-high 450 tickets and got to buy lots of fun toys - lizards for Jane Gray and Charlie, a car for Charlie, a ring for Meg, and lollipops for Meg and Jane Gray! We ended the day with chocolate cake - yummy!

Camp at Anna's house

Anna Waddell had the girls over this morning for cupcakes and candy with Pop Pop. The girls love sweet Pop Pop because he bought them candy at all of their brothers' T-ball games.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Princess camp

While the big brothers were at camp, the little sisters enjoyed their own princess camp at our house. Liddy was the camp counselor. The girls dressed up as princesses and jumped in the castle jumpyland. After popsicles, Liddy entertained the girls with a princess story, coloring, and painting fingernails. Tomorrow, the girls head to Anna's house for day two of their "camp."

All Star camp

Charlie, Andy Brown, Charles Walker Waddell, and Banks Hewitt are going to First Baptist's All Star camp this week. Charlie is so excited!

Jane Gray's horse camp

Jane Gray is going to horse camp this week at Winterview Farm. Mrs. Susan is teaching the girls, and she is so sweet. Jane Gray also loves her horse, Cooper. She calls him Super Cooper and plans to dress him up as a superhero on horse dress-up day. It's going to be a great week!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day!

Daddy woke up to several sweet homemade Father's Day presents from the children. Daddy loves anything with handprints on it! After church, we headed to Yazoo City to spend the day with Pop. Pop decided it would be fun to give Charlie his birthday present early. It was a marshmallow gun - everyone had fun shooting it and eating the marshmallows. We also went fishing and rode the ponies. It was a fun day celebrating our sweet Daddy!