We celebrated Charlie's sixth birthday today with a pirate-themed birthday party. The boys dressed up as pirates with pirate hats, eye patches and swords, got pirate tatoos, made a bracelet of skull beads, went on a scavenger hunt for gold coins and a treasure hunt for a treasure chest, jumped in the castle jumpyland, had sword fights (led by Daddy), and destroyed a pirate ship pinata. They also feasted on cupcakes, ice cream, and pirate food - goldfish, gold nuggets (cheese puffs), pirate peg legs (pretzels), pirate teeth dip (corn dip), gummy sharks, and octopus legs (gummy worms). Charlie had a blast! Against our better judgment, we let Charlie open his presents as the party was winding down. The boys were so funny - they would tell Charlie what they got him before he could even open the gift. Sweet Thad Crawford came by at the end of the party to give Charlie a gift and helped Charlie put together some of his new toys.
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