Saturday, January 31, 2015

Meg's Achilles's Heel

Meg has a hard time determining what makes a clean room and what does not - we all have our faults.  Well, this was after several days worth of cleaning - she may be the end of her Daddy.  But I love her anyway.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Meg's Birthday Dinner

Meg's choice for birthday dinner was hibachi, so off we went.  The chef was entertaining, the food was good, and the hugs even better.  

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Nancy and Meg

Meg and Nancy, the owner of Nandy's Candy, share a birthday.  When Nancy found out, she promised Meg a treat on her birthday.  Meg did not forget that promise and stopped by Nandy's Candy today on her birthday and received a chocolate "M" and "7."  Thank you, Nancy!

Nana and birthday milkshakes

Nana took the birthday girl to Brent's for birthday milkshakes.

Meg's Birthday Lunch

Mommy and Daddy were able to make it to lunch with Meg on her birthday.  She enjoyed her special day and special lunch.

Happy birthday to Meg!

Meg is seven years old!  We can't believe our baby is so big!  Happy birthday to our Lish!  We love you!

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Pop and Meg

Meg opened Pop's birthday present today - a book!  These two love to read!

Saturday, January 24, 2015

End of Season at Louise


Closing Saturday of the regular hunting season brought a morning duck hunt with Pop and Uncle Will along with a final afternoon deer hunt.  It was fun being with Pop and watching one more sunset (as there were no deer that day - he's not looking at anything through the scope).

Friday, January 23, 2015

Meg's 100th day of school

Meg dressed up for the 100th day of school.  Isn't she a cute grandmother?

Periodic table cupcakes

Mom helped Jane Gray's science class make periodic table cupcakes.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Meg's birthday party

Meg and Anne Melton had a skating party together at Funtime Skateland to celebrate their seventh birthdays.  The girls gave each other skate necklaces before the party - so sweet!  The party was so fun, and the girls skated so well!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Jane Gray's FPDS Basketball

The mighty FPDS Yellow Team rolled through the season in victorious fashion with Jane Gray running the point.  It was a fun, but quick, season.  Jane Gray lead the team on offense and played some mean defense while toeing the line.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Louise Afternoons

Daddy and Charlie spent a lot of time together between home and Louise - time that Daddy will always cherish.  Although we were not able to put any venison in the freezer, many memories were made.