Saturday, April 30, 2011

Kate's birthday

Kate had the cutest Hello Kitty birthday party at Sal and Mookie's. We made pizzas, decorated cookies, and ate lots and lots of pizza and ice cream.

Friday, April 29, 2011

You are my sunshine!

One of our family's favorite lullabies is "You are my sunshine!" So, we loved Meg's latest artwork.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Meg and Mrs. Lu

We love Mrs. Lu!

Swimming with Mrs. Lu

Meg has been taking swimming lessons from Mrs. Lu, who taught Mommy, Aunt Stacy, Jane Gray, and Charlie how to swim. Mrs. Lu is always "in charge," and that has been great for Meg. Meg has really become a good swimmer. She is especially good at her rest stroke, where she floats on her back. It is like she is hollow - she is amazing! She has also learned quickly to "swim to the side!"

Monday, April 25, 2011

Jane Gray's snails

Jane Gray and Charlie came home from their playdate with Embry and John Woods Hollowell with these lovely snails. Jane Gray wrote instructions for their care - (1) leaves and grass every day, (2) hold six times a day, (3) keep for month (we did not follow this instruction!), (4) give them water three times a week, (5) change food, and (6) have fun!

Future Presidents

Since Haley has decided not to run for President in 2012, we have three other candidates, thanks to these T-shirts that Nana and Grandpa brought back with them from D.C.

It's been a long week!

It's been a long week - Charlie's field trip, three softball games, a T-ball game, swimming lessons for Meg, children's church choir performances Sunday night and Wednesday night, countless Easter parties and Easter egg hunts, Jane Gray's piano rehearsal, a crawfish boil, neighborhood cookout, and Charlie's kindergarten sneak peek. Whew! No wonder Meg didn't want to get out of bed this morning!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter in Yazoo City

After church, we went to Yazoo City for Easter lunch. After lunch, the children hunted Easter eggs, and Meg, thanks to Genevieve, found the golden egg! After some fishing and horsing around, we headed to the Carrolls for dinner and a bocce ball tournament. The children went swimming at Henry and Georgie's, enjoyed another Easter egg hunt (Charlie and Will Phillip found the most eggs!), and played with their cousins and friends.

The Bairds

Look whom we saw at church this morning.

Easter morning

The Easter bunny came! The children were thrilled - they got some books, a couple of toys, and lots of candy! Nana and Grandpa left some presents for them (they were in Virginia for Drew's wedding), and the children enjoyed opening them, too.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Easter crawfish boil

The Browns invited the Hewitts, Hollingsworths, and us to their house for a crawfish boil. After playing with some live crawfish for a bit, the children lot interest in them quickly. The children did have fun playing together, though. They hid Easter eggs, played lots of duck, duck, goose, and finally crashed out in front of a movie.

Charlie's baseball

Charlie is very inquisitive and always wants to find out how things work. Daddy convinced him on the ride home from Yazoo City to find out what was in the center of a baseball. Charlie was thrilled to discover it was another ball!

Saturday in Yazoo City

We spent Saturday afternoon in Yazoo City. Sherrie's girls, Lauren and Forsyth, and their children were in town. Forsyth's daughter, Mallory, and Meg hit it off! They were so funny playing together. After lunch, we went fishing. Pop also took Charlie and Meg to see the baby geese - there are six this spring! The last picture of us heading back to the house made us laugh - in the background, you can see that the horses were sad to see us leaving. They wanted to go with us!

Human vacuum cleaner

Charlie started off his T ball game at first base. Cousin Bo played pitcher, and the two of them got several outs. The next inning, Charlie played pitcher, and Will Phillip was at first. Charlie did not let any balls get past him. The Daddys started calling him the human vacuum cleaner.