Friday, December 30, 2016

New Year's Eve Eve

While Charlie and Daddy were in the woods, Jane Gray and some of her friends spent the night together in Yazoo City.  Meg and her friend, Elle, tagged along, too.  When we got to Yazoo City, we went straight to the grocery store for tons of groceries.  We then met the boys at Hastee Tastee for a yummy dinner.  After dinner, Daddy and Charlie took care of Charlie's buck while the girls ate tons of snacks and played "The Name Game" and Balderdash.  The girls stayed up way too late playing games and then enjoyed the Polaris before Daddy drove them back to Jackson (Mom and Charlie left early to take his deer to the taxidermist in Mendenhall).

Charlie and the Monster

Charlie is on a roll.  We took John Riley hunting with us this afternoon, but Charlie chose the right stand.  When Dad was approaching Charlie's stand after the shot, he asked what it was.  Charlie's response was "a monster".  Well, Charlie is officially either a professional hunter or spoiled rotten - or both.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Greenwood Debutante Ball

We had a great time in Greenwood with Jane Gray as a page, and of course we ate some good food.

Monday, December 26, 2016

Continued Holidays in Bridgewater

Post-Christmas always involves many trips and meals with Nana, Grandpa and cousins.  Tonight, Grandpa orchestrated a Charlie Brown'esque Christmas production.

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Christmas Night Dinner

The Eisenhauers made it to town Christmas evening and came straight over for dinner.

Family picture

Merry Christmas!

Christmas morning

Christmas morning was so fun!  The kids woke us up at 6:15!  They were so excited!  Highlights included:  a purse and wireless Beats for Jane Gray, a drone and guitar for Charlie, and a basketball and camp gear for Meg.  The girls also got tickets to Dancing with the Stars in New Orleans.

Santa came!

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Christmas Eve festivities

We let the children open one present - their 2016 ornaments.  We also had our annual Christmas PJ scavenger hunt.  To wind down, Daddy read 'Twas the Night Before Christmas and Luke 2 to the children.  We also enjoyed our Christmas pyramid.  Charlie and Meg put out milk and cookies for Santa, and then we all headed to bed.