Sunday, January 29, 2012

Celebrating Meg's birthday at church

Meg's Sunday school class sang "Happy birthday" to her. The look on her face is priceless!

Last duck hunt of the season

Daddy took Jane Gray and Charlie duck hunting this morning - the last hunt of this year's duck season. It was cold - 26 degrees to start! Thanks to some eagle-eye spotting from the kids, Daddy was able to get his limit early, and Charlie's toes didn't have to suffer too long.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Meg's birthday dinner

We asked Meg where she wanted to eat dinner for her birthday, and she said, "Cock on the walk!" We had a great time, and Meg was so cute when the waiters sang "Happy birthday" to her. She couldn't take her eyes off the candles! After feeding the ducks, we went home and sang "Happy birthday" to Meg again. Happy birthday, Meg!

Soccer jamboree

Daddy coached Charlie's soccer team this afternoon at their jamboree. The team played very well and won both games. Charlie had two goals. Go, T-Rexes!

Happy birthday, Meg!

In between the basketball and soccer games, we celebrated Meg's birthday with her Covenant Preschool cupcake. Happy birthday, Meg!

Upward basketball games

Meg spent her birthday morning watching Jane Gray and Charlie's Upward basketball games. One of the coolest parts of the games is running through the tunnel. Sweet Grandpa bought Meg a funnel cake after Charlie's game to celebrate her birthday. Yummy!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Meg's birthday party at school

Meg took donuts to school to celebrate her birthday.

Backwards day

Charlie's class has been studying the letter "B," so they celebrated with Backwards day. They also took their favorite teddy bears to school with them.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Opening presents

The Hurst girls, the Eisenhauers, Nana and Grandpa, and Sayley stayed after the party to watch Meg open her presents. Meg's expressions were priceless, and she was so grateful for her presents!

Meg's pretend slumber birthday party

We celebrated Meg's 4th birthday with a pretend slumber party. The girls began the party decorating aprons with princess stickers. Jane Gray, Liddy, Genevieve, May May, and Sayley were big helps! The girls then made their own pizzas - they were delicious! After dinner, they ate popcorn and watched a Strawberry Shortcake movie. The girls then came back to the table, sang "Happy Birthday" to Meg, and ate a donut cake. Meg loves donuts! In the next to last picture, she is finishing off her sprinkle donut well after her friends left the table. Before the girls left the party, Meg handed out goodnight Hershey kisses. It was such a fun party!