Saturday, November 30, 2013

Thanksgiving weekend in Yazoo City



The Barbours celebrated Thanksgiving today in Yazoo City.  It was a beautiful day, so the children spent most of it outside swinging, fishing, and playing on Pop's boat.  Of course, after our very big lunch, we were all very content to snuggle up and watch the Iron Bowl.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Hunting for the perfect Christmas tree

This morning, we grabbed donuts and headed to the K & B Christmas tree farm.  We have been so busy lately that we didn't go to pre-select our Christmas tree this year.  That was a huge mistake because all of the trees we looked at this morning were marked "sold."  We were feeling very discouraged when we heard Charlie yelling for Daddy at another Christmas tree field.  Charlie and Jane Gray found the one and only 9-feet Christmas tree that had not been sold.  It is a lovely tree, and we can't wait to decorate it tomorrow after church.

He's back!

Thomas the Elf arrived the day after Thanksgiving much to the excitement of the Barbour children.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013

We were so thankful that the Eisenhauers and Zupas were here for Thanksgiving!  We spent the entire day together and loved every minute of it.  Nana took one for the team and ate with the littles so that Jane Gray, Charlie, and Abby could eat at the big table.  They thought they were so big!  It was such a fun Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!

We are very thankful for our family, our sisters and brother, Mother and Father, home, USA, Pilgrims, friends, books and class, and our very lives.  God is so good!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Ringing the Salvation Army bell

Our family rang the Salvation Army bell together at Kroger this afternoon.  It was so much fun, very rewarding, and we got to see lots of our friends doing their last minute Thanksgiving shopping!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Fun with the Eisenhauers

We are spending Thanksgiving week at Nana and Grandpa's house with the Eisenhauers, and we are having so much fun!  We played lots of games today and are very excited to see Frozen tomorrow at the movies.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Deer hunt at Caston's Creek



Gray has been asking us to hunt with him, and we finally took him up on the offer. The first deer hunt of the season turned out to be quite successful. We saw several deer that were either too far or across a ditch, but eventually a doe came out right behind us. Jane Gray was our spotter while Charlie moved to the back of the stand so I could get a shot. The kids believe it was the Hershey's bar that gave us the good luck.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Oxford with the Eisenhauers

The Eisenhauers are here, and we are so excited!  We met Aunt Stacy and Uncle Tony in Oxford for the Ole Miss-Missouri game.  We hung out in the Grove before the game, skipped the game for Carley's wedding in Memphis, and then spent the night together in Oxford.  We ate breakfast at Bottletree Bakery before heading home to Nana's to pick up Meg, who decided to stay behind with Ella and Olivia.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Charlie and Jane Gray's Thanksgiving parties

Mommy helped with Charlie's party this year.  Our craft was a magnetic picture frame of the class's adopted orphan from Sweetwaters, Africa.  His name is Simphiwe, and he is 6 years old.  After our craft, we ate and watched a Thanksgiving video.  Jane Gray's class had a fun party, too.  They had Thanksgiving snacks and played a word search game.  Jane Gray and her partner, Aubrey Scott, won and were awarded a Twix candy bar, Jane Gray's favorite!

Meg's Thanksgiving party

The kindergarten Thanksgiving party was so cute!  They had quite a spread, and Indian Princess Snow Bird had a great time.  Her favorite part of the party was the Pilgrim.  Pilgrim Daddy read a Thanksgiving story to the classes, and Meg was so proud of him!  Just look at her big smiles!