Saturday, March 31, 2018

Pre-Easter Party at Marions' house

The Marions hosted a big group of kids for an Easter egg hunt, dinner and more.

Friday, March 30, 2018

Pre-Easter Easter in Yazoo City


We had the Barbour family Easter in Yazoo City on Good Friday this year.  Everyone enjoyed being outdoors with fish, horses and the swing, and the Easter egg hunt - where Meg found the golden egg for a prize of a huge chocolate bunny.

Saturday, March 24, 2018

The Thunder Win - And Mom's Birthday

We had a long Sunday afternoon and evening with three wins in a row, but the gold ring and smiles gave off lots of bling when it was over.  We then stumbled home for birthday cake for the Queen.

Meg and Kate

Meg and Kate spent the night with Nana and Grandpa and enjoyed a morning of egg making fun.

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Final Cotillion

Charlie and his buddies had an oddly fabulous time at Cotillion - something about girls and dancing.  Well, tonight was his mother's turn, and Charlie and Mom danced the night away.

Saturday, March 17, 2018

St. Patrick's Day Parade

Meg's second set of parents, the Marions, took the girls downtown after a spend the night for some green fun.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

New York Randoms

Not every picture is perfectly set, but a lot of fun was had that was barely caught on camera (and even more that was not) - from being dropped off in Times Square, to subway rides, and long waits outside of restaurants.  And did anyone mention how cold it was all week long?  Well, it was.  And windy.  We arrived in Boston to 5" of snow/ice and the day after we left, NYC and Boston each had over a foot of new snow.

Madison Square Garden

Our hotel was near Madison Square Garden, so we took a few pics of it before heading back to the hotel to pack our suitcases to go home.

High Line

We had a couple hours to spare before leaving town, so we discovered an old, refurbished rail track-walking trail. 

Wednesday, March 14, 2018


Mom and Jane Gray went to Hamilton, and Dad, Charlie, and Meg went to Phantom of the Opera.