Wednesday mornings are always crazy around here. Charles and Jane Gray are out the door by 7:30, so I'm left to feed and dress Charlie, Meg, and myself by 8:30, when I leave for my Bible study. This morning, I made a snack for the Bible study, so I was running a little behind. I asked the "big boy" if he could dress himself - he said "sure." As I was scrambling to put a diaper on Meg and the sausage pinwheels in the oven, I was greeted by this angel. My "big boy" dressed himself completely backwards, even down to his "big boy" underwear.
Awesome! That has got to be some sign of HIGH intelligence!
(If I had known the pinwheels were yours, I would have eaten more)
I ate most of them in the car on the way to church. I'm surprised there were any left over.
Cool outfit, though! I respect the fact that he tried...he can't help it that people don't understand his fashion sense!
Who knows. It may be the next great fashion trend.
i hope you let him go that way to the bible study. too precious! might pose a problem during bathroom breaks though!
I personally don't see what you people are talking about. He looks perfect to me.
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