Saturday, February 26, 2011

Charlie's soccer game

Charlie had several extra cheerleaders at his soccer game today.

Mad Hatter Tea Party

Grandpa invited Kate, Ella, and Meg to Meadowbrook Preschool's Mad Hatter Tea Party. The girls made bunny masks, met Alice in Wonderland, and enjoyed a real tea party. They had so much fun, and Grandpa says they were very well-behaved. Thanks, Grandpa!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Jetson and Meg

Meg loves playing with Jetson! When I told Meg we were going to the Children's Museum yesterday, she asked if Jetson was going to be there. Today, after school, we played at the Hollingworths' house with the Hollingsworths and Futvoyes. Meg loved riding on this four-wheeler with her "boyfriend."

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Toddler time at the Children's Museum

Meg met two of her best friends, Anne Melton Hewitt and Kate McCraney, at the Children's Museum today for "toddler time." The Museum emphasized colors during the month of February, and, today, Meg and her friends finger-painted with food-colored vanilla pudding. They also enjoyed dressing up as princesses and playing all over the Museum.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Sacked out!

Charlie played outside all afternoon. I guess he wore himself out because this is how I found him. He was sacked out on our concrete patio!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Yazoo City jonquils

We spent Sunday afternoon in Yazoo City. The jonquils are in bloom, so we picked a few before we went fishing. We had a great time - everyone caught several fish. Daddy even caught a five-pounder!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Punch bug!

Every time our children ride in the car, they are on a mission to spot punch bugs. Even Meg has gotten into the act. This morning, at the grocery store, she spotted this punch bug and asked sweetly to ride in it. She was very happy when Mommy obliged.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day

Daddy had a hearing in Vicksburg, so he said he wasn't going to be able to have lunch with us today. Well, when Daddy's hearing let out sooner than expected, Charlie, Meg, and Mommy decided to surprise him with chocolate-covered caramels from Nandy's Candy and lunch. Daddy had the same idea! Fortunately, we ran into each other at Nandy's Candy! We bought our goodies, grabbed some Wendy's, and headed to the park. It was a beautiful, sunny day, and we had a blast. That night, we gave the children their Valentine gifts. The girls received glass slippers from their Prince Charming (a.k.a. Daddy), and Mommy gave Charlie a frog pillow pet. The kids were very happy with their gifts!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Charlie's crown

Charlie received his crown today for saying the Children's Catechism.


We had another great year at the Rodeo. Our favorite again this year was the bullriding. Meg told her Daddy she would ride one of the bulls, but only if he would hold her hand. The concert by the Bellamy Brothers was also a lot of fun - Liddy and Jane Gray even managed to get on the front row!

Ole Miss fan

We often eat lunch at Abner's when we visit Alice because it is located right across the street from the Orchard. If you have ever been to Abner's, you know that they hang SEC school banners from the ceiling. Today, as soon as Charlie walked in, he started booing at the non-Ole Miss banners. He also declared that he wanted to sit at the Ole Miss table - the table underneath the Ole Miss banner. Charlie loves his Rebels!

Saturday, February 12, 2011


Charlie's TOTS team performed at halftime of the Belhaven basketball game today. He did so well and controlled his ball the whole time. He posed for a picture with his best friend (at least this week), Christopher Maddux, after the big show.

Charlie's first soccer game

Although they have not had a single practice due to the very cold weather we have been having, Charlie's soccer team had their first game today. They played Will Upton's team, and it was so fun watching the two boys chase each other all over the field. Charlie scored a goal, and he was thrilled! Neither Charlie nor Will knew the final score, so we have no idea if Charlie's team won. Neither boy seemed to care, which was so sweet!