Much to her delight, Daddy took Jane Gray on her first deer hunt this afternoon. When we stepped out of the truck in Louise, we noticed the wind had picked up and the temperatures were dropping - neither to our liking - but we were not deterred. Daddy told Jane Gray that Pop had bought this deer stand just for her, and her response was "he's so sweet" (just what a 5 year old Jackson girl always wanted). After climbing the ladder, scouring the countryside and not seeing a deer for what probably seemed like forever, Jane Gray decided to take a little nap (staying up until midnight with spend the night company will do that). As she slept, Daddy looked like he had never looked hoping to see a deer - but to no avail. Jane Gray eventually woke up, looked for deer a while longer, ate snacks and we waited until dark. She was the best company in a deer stand Daddy had ever had, and they had a great time despite not seeing the first deer. On the drive out, the highlight of the trip occurred for Jane Gray as a "big, fat possum waddled down the road right in front of us". She thought the possum was hilarious! The final highlight came as crossing the Yazoo River bridge, Jane Gray saw the lights rising up the hill from the delta and proclaimed that it looked like "angels going up to Heaven". Truer words were never spoken!
1 comment:
pretty special day with her Daddy. Very sweet!
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