Monday, August 19, 2013

Meet the Rebels Day

Daddy, Charlie and the Brown boys went to Meet the Rebels Day in Oxford.  This was the Barbours' first time to attend, and of course, there was four times the usual crowd.  We arrived in town early to pick up a football to get signed.  Then the standing in line began - in line outside the practice facility and then in line for autographs.  Charlie didn't mind at all since he got to play football behind the stadium and run around with friends inside.  We hit up Coach Freeze first, then the defensive backs and ends, running backs and ended with the wide receivers.  Charlie wore his #38 jersey for the first time, and as we were leaving the building, non-other than Mike Marry (#38) was outside the door signing autographs for kids.  We had a great time seeing and talking with mighty Rebs.

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