Daddy, Jane Gray, and Charlie along with Kirk and Whit Anderson and Ken, Samuel and Stevens Ball took off for an overnight camping trip in Yazoo City. Upon arrival on Friday evening, the dads set up camp, but instead of cooking dinner over the open flame, we hit Hastee Tastee – mmm, grease. When we returned to the campsite, a fire was lighted, smores were made, battles with glow in the dark swords were had, the glow-in-the-dark Frisbee was flung, and hiking through the dark woods and fields took place. Once things slowed down late in the night, the kids went to bed and the adults kept watch over the fire for a while. Morning came early (despite Charlie’s flopping around, train whistles, and hard ground), the fire was stoked, and breakfast of bacon and eggs (and marshmallows!) hit the spot. Then off to fishing. The bream, as usual, were wearing out the crickets, and Whit soon pronounced that he was tired of catching so many fish. The kids explored, fished, ran, hid in Jane Gray’s pup tent and played on the swing all morning. We ate well, played hard, didn’t sleep much, and had a blast.
That is one awesome looking tent, I am so impressed with Jane Gray's skills!
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