Last night, Daddy took Jane Gray and Charlie camping in Yazoo City. We roasted hot dogs and smores over a blazing fire that Daddy had built. When it got dark, Daddy took Jane Gray and Charlie on a hike, and then they retired to the tent. Pop, Meg, and I decided to stay at the house where it was cool and comfortable. Pop gave Meg her bottle, and the three of us had a nice visit. The campers woke up at 6:00, went on another hike, and then Daddy went fishing while Jane Gray and Charlie played with Pop at the barn. When Mommy and Meg woke up, we headed down to the campsite where Daddy cooked us eggs and bacon. Jane Gray and Charlie then rode horses (Jane Gray was the first to ride Snickerdoodle!) and fished before we headed back home. The kids were so tired that they fell asleep in the car before we had even left Yazoo City!
Will said he was waiting on his kudos for the camping goodies.
Charles really appreciated the camping supplies that Will loaned him. The campout wouldn't have been a success without them!
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