After church, we went to Nana and Grandpa's for lunch and to open presents with the Zupas and Gibsons. It was our first time to meet Baby Jake - he is so sweet! The kids loved opening more gifts. Aunt Stacy and Uncle Tony gave Charlie a Spiderman costume, and he decided to put it on immediately. He wore it until we made him take it off for night church. Jane Gray received lots of books - her favorite - from Aunt Kim and Uncle Walker and a precious shirt from Aunt Wendy and Uncle Randy! Aunt Stacy and Uncle Tony gave Jane Gray a magic set, which she opened right away. She impressed her cousins with her new tricks! Meg got some puzzles and a onesie to match Jane Gray's shirt. Meg loved her new presents, but she stuck with her old favorite - Spot, Nana and Grandpa's stuffed dalmation puppy.
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