Charlie's play group met today at Renaissance to play in the water fountains. Unfortunately, the pump broke for the fourth time, so there was no water (I love the picture of Charlie looking in the drain for the water). The boys made the most of it, however, chasing each other and finding bugs (in the picture above, Charlie is playing with a slug). Nana (a.k.a. "super Nana") was with us, so when Jane Gray got tired of playing with the boys and Meg needed a nap, Nana took them to her house. Charlie stayed and had a lot of fun running around with Benjamin Bays and Roger Stribling. When Charlie finally got hungry for lunch, we headed to Nana's house. After lunch, Nana took Jane Gray and Charlie to the Bridgewater playground. I stayed behind with Meg; she was still napping. Sweet Meg - her mother, Nana, sister, and brother wear her out!
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