Today, Jane Gray, Meg and Daddy (Charlie and Mommy had a prior birthday party engagement) met Uncle Will, Nicki and Laurie in Yazoo City to watch a couple guys electro-shock the pond as part of its management. As soon as we got there, Jane Gray and I jumped in the boat and started “fishing”. At first, only a few small bream floated up, but as soon as we got to some thick cover, the bass started surfacing. We had a great time pointing out fish for the man with the net and cheering when he caught the big ones. This was a much more entertaining method of fishing than using the old rod and reel. [If anyone is concerned about the fish, they were just stunned, floated up, caught, weighed, measured and released as good as new – well, except for a few that became dinner.] Once our turn was over, Jane Gray had a blast watching the bream eat their dinner from the feeder.
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